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Legal notice

This website is property of CELSA Steel UK (hereinafter, “CELSA ™”), with address at Building 58, Castle Works – East Moors Road Cardiff, CF24 5NN, CIF UK821394047 and with email address GDR@gcelsa .com. We have established some rules to ensure that it is informative and useful for everyone who visits it (hereinafter “Terms”). Please read them carefully, since by entering this website you are agreeing to act under these Conditions and it assumes your knowledge and understanding.

Correct use of the Contents

The user agrees to use the content made available on the website, understood as, but not limited to, this list: information, communications, software, photos, videos, graphics, music, sounds. , images, icons, their graphic design and other materials and services (hereinafter, the «Contents») in accordance with the Law, these Conditions and other notices, regulations and instructions brought to your attention, as well as with moral and generally accepted good customs and public order. In the event of non-compliance with any of these obligations and/or others contemplated in these Conditions, CELSA ™ reserves the exercise of appropriate legal actions, as well as the right to restrict access to the website.

Ownership and intellectual and industrial property rights

The Contents of the website are property of CELSA ™ or are licensed by independent content providers. With your acceptance of these Conditions, CELSA ™ authorizes you to view and use the material within this website solely for your personal, non-commercial use and subject to these Conditions. In particular, the intellectual and industrial property rights derived from all the Contents of the website belong, by itself or as licensee, to CELSA ™. In this sense, reproduction – except for private use -, transformation, distribution, public communication, making available to the public or any other exploitation of the contents of the website is prohibited, without the express written consent of CELSA ™. . It is prohibited to establish a link with, or email content from, any URL to any of the CELSA ™ websites without the express written permission of CELSA ™. To do this, contact the person responsible for the Website if you have any questions or suggestions. Specifically, the following behaviors are prohibited, by way of example only: a) The total or partial reproduction of the contents of the website, in any format. b) The dissemination of texts published on the web, without indicating the source. c) The use or modification of brands, designs, logos, forms or any other, fully or partially. For use in the media and related media of the Contents of this website, contact GDR@gcelsa.com in order to obtain the pertinent authorization or consult any questions that may arise.

Limitation of liability

Any use of the website and its content is presumed to be made by the user under his or her full responsibility. Thus, access to the website is at the user’s own risk and expense, and the user is responsible for using the appropriate means to avoid any damage or virus. Likewise, the user undertakes to avoid any conduct that could damage, disable, deteriorate, overload or impair, in any way, the website and its use. Likewise, CELSA ™ does not control or guarantee the absence of viruses or other elements that its website may contain and that may cause alterations in your computer system (software and hardware) or in the files they contain. In particular, CELSA ™ is not responsible for the verisimilitude of the information provided by third parties (i.e. hyperlinks to other websites managed by third parties) and included directly or by link on this website. For this reason, CELSA ™, having adopted all the necessary measures at its disposal to avoid any damage, declines – to the full extent that the regulations allow – all responsibility for any damages that may arise in this regard. . Likewise, CELSA ™ declines responsibility, therefore, you will not hold CELSA ™ responsible for any delay, failure, interruption or inaccuracy of any data or other information transmitted in connection with the use of the website.


CELSA ™ reserves the right to make any modifications it deems appropriate to the content of its website, without prior notice or liability. The Conditions are subject to change at any time at the discretion of CELSA ™, mainly to adapt them to new or renewed system functions or regulations or to change unsuitable provisions. That is why it is recommended that you access these Conditions as many times as you access the website in order to be aware of them.

Privacy Statement

You can consult how the personal data that you may provide us in the environment of this website is treated in our Privacy Policy.

Applicable legislation and competent jurisdiction

CELSA ™ also reserves the right to file civil or criminal actions that it deems appropriate for the improper use of its web pages and Content or for non-compliance with these Conditions. The relationship between the user and CELSA ™ will be governed by current Spanish regulations and the courts of the town of Barcelona will be competent to decide on any controversy that may arise between them.